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DCOM98 for Windows 98, version 1.3

Microsoft is pleased to announce the general availablilty of DCOM98 for Microsoft Windows® 98, version 1.3.

DCOM98 1.3 extends the support for Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) for Microsoft Windows 98. The DCOM wire protocol transparently provides support for reliable, secure, and efficient communication between COM components such as ActiveX® controls, scripts, and Java applets residing on different machines in a LAN, a WAN, or on the Internet. With DCOM, your application can be distributed across locations that make the most sense to you and to the application.

Note    DCOM98 1.3 is intended for Windows 98 only.

DCOM98 1.3 improves upon the DCOM in Windows 98 in the following ways:

  • Provides support for Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0 user-defined data types.
  • The remote procedure call (RPC) now tries multiple IP addresses.
  • The RPC window no longer makes the desktop unresponsive when new applications are launched.
  • Applications may call OleInitialize and OleUninitialize multiple times.
  • Performance has been improved when committing a root storage with a very large compound file.
  • Multiple instances of Visual Basic 4 executables may be shut down in any order.

For more information about these enhancements, please see the DCOM98 1.3 Release Notes.


Link to download Download DCOM98 for Windows 98 DCOM98 1.3.

Link to read the DCOM98 1.3 Release Notes.

Licensing and Redistribution

DCOM98 may not be redistributed. For more information, please read DCOM Redistribution. For licensing guidelines for DCOM98 1.3, read our End-User License Agreement ("EULA").

More Information on DCOM and COM

You can find more information about DCOM from the COM Home page or on the DCOM page itself. The entire COM programming reference Non-COM site is also available online.

Last Updated: 6/14/99  

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