1. Make Sure That Service Pack 4 is installed 2. Install DirectX 8.2 Redistributable 3. Install Windows Media 8 Codec Package 4. Install Windows Media Player 7.1 5. Install Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 6. Install Windows Media Player 9 Series (Optional but it is recommended you install it) 7. Install GDI+ redistributable (Optional) 8. Install Remote Desktop Connection 9. Install Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (V2) 10. Install .NET Framework 1.1 (Required by the latest NVIDIA and AMD-ATI Drivers) 11. Install Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable (Required) 12. Install .NET Framework 2.0 (Required by the latest NVIDIA and AMD-ATI Drivers) 13. Install Windows2000-KB842773-x86-ENU 14. Install Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 15. Install Windows Update Agent 3.0 16. Install rootsupd_fe44934fd80dd11fec2f0f9b24431658a4f6d589 17. Install .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 (Optional) 18. Install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (Optional) 19. Run the shortcut named Windows Updates and install the rest of the updates online